
  • [F5]F5OS Command 정리
    Network 2023. 12. 8. 06:21


    F5 가 r시리즈 모델을 출시함에 따라 F5OS를 접하게 되었습니다.

    아직 익숙하지 않은 F5OS의 멍령어를 편하게 익히기 위해 TMOS와 같이 정리해 보았습니다.


    < MGMT 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› Management Interface)

    TMOS: create sys management-ip x.x.x.x/xx

    TMOS: create sys management-route default gateway x.x.x.x


    appliance-1# config

    Entering configuration mode terminal

    appliance-1(config)# system mgmt-ip config dhcp-enabled false

    appliance-1(config)# system mgmt-ip config ipv4 system address

    appliance-1(config)# system mgmt-ip config ipv4 prefix-length 16

    appliance-1(config)# system mgmt-ip config ipv4 gateway


    < MGMT 확인 >

    TMOS: show sys management-ip


    appliance-1# show system mgmt-ip




    < password-policy 설정 > (USER MANAGEMENT ›› Authentication Settings)

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa password-policy config required-numeric <value>

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa password-policy config required-lowercase <value>

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa password-policy config required-uppercase <value>

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa password-policy config required-special <value>

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa password-policy config required-numeric <value>

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa password-policy config root-unlock-time < value>


    < password-policy 확인 >

    직접적인 명령어 없음

    appliance-1# show running-config


    < user 생성 > (USER MANAGEMENT ›› Users)

    TMOS: create auth user <newusername> shell bash partition-access replace-all-with { all-partitions { role admin } } password <userpassword>


    appliance-1(config)# system aaa authentication users user test config username test role admin

    appliance-1(config-user-test)# config

    appliance-1(config-user-test)# config set-password password

    Value for 'password' (<string>): *********

    appliance-1(config-user-test)# commit


    < user 확인 >

    TMOS: list auth user


    appliance-1# show system aaa authentication users user


    < HTTPS ACL 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS > Allow List)

    TMOS: modify sys httpd allow replace-all-with { x.x.x.x/x }

    TMOS: modify sys httpd allow add { x.x.x.x/x }


    appliance-1(config)# system allowed-ips allowed-ip test-https config ipv4 address prefix-length 24 port 443

    appliance-1(config-allowed-ip-test-https)# commit


    < HTTPS ACL 삭제 >

    TMOS: modify sys httpd allow delete { x.x.x.x/x }


    appliance-1(config)# no system allowed-ips allowed-ip test-https config ipv4 address prefix-length 24 port 443


    < SSH ACL 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS > Allow List)

    TMOS: modify sys sshd allow replace-all-with { x.x.x.x/x }

    TMOS: modify sys sshd allow add { x.x.x.x/x }


    appliance-1(config)# system allowed-ips allowed-ip test-ssh config ipv4 address prefix-length 24 port 22

    appliance-1(config-allowed-ip-test-ssh)# commit


    < SSH ACL 삭제 >

    TMOS: modify sys sshd allow delete { x.x.x.x/x }


    appliance-1(config)# no system allowed-ips allowed-ip test-ssh config ipv4 address prefix-length 24 port 22


    < SNMP ACL 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS > Allow List)

    TMOS: modify sys snmp allowed-addresses add { x.x.x.x/x }


    appliance-1(config)# system allowed-ips allowed-ip test-snmp config ipv4 address prefix-length 24 port 161

    appliance-1(config-allowed-ip-test-snmp)# commit


    < SNMP ACL 삭제 >

    TMOS: modify sys snmp allowed-addresses delete { x.x.x.x/x }


    appliance-1(config)# no system allowed-ips allowed-ip test-snmp config ipv4 address prefix-length 24 port 161


    < Console Idle-timeout 설정 >

    TMOS: modify sys global-settings console-inactivity-timeout <seconds>


    appliance-1(config)# system settings config idle-timeout 300

    appliance-1(config)# commit


    < Console Idle-timeout 확인 >

    TMOS: list sys global-settings console-inactivity-timeout


    appliance-1# show system settings state idle-timeout


    < SSH Idle-timeout 설정 >

    TMOS: modify sys sshd inactivity-timeout <seconds>


    appliance-1(config)# system settings config sshd-idle-timeout 300

    appliance-1(config)# commit


    < SSH Idle-timeout 확인 >

    TMOS: list sys sshd inactivity-timeout


    appliance-1# show system settings state sshd-idle-timeout


    < GUI Idle-timeout 설정 > (USER MANAGEMENT > Authentication Settings)

    TMOS: modify sys httpd auth-pam-idle-timeout <seconds>


    appliance-1(config)# system aaa restconf-token config lifetime 20

    appliance-1(config)# commit


    < GUI Idle-timeout 확인 >

    TMOS: list sys httpd auth-pam-idle-timeout


    appliance-1# show system aaa restconf-token


    < SSH Banner 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› General)

    appliance-1(config)# system config motd-banner

    (<string>) (SSH banner):

    [Multiline mode, exit with ctrl-D.]

    > <banner text>

    > ctrl-D

    appliance-1(config)# commit


    < GUI Banner 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› General)

    appliance-1(config)# system config login-banner

    (<string>) (GUI banner):

    [Multiline mode, exit with ctrl-D.]

    > <banner text>

    > ctrl-D

    appliance-1(config)# commit


    < SNMPv3 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› SNMP Configuration - Users)

    appliance-1(config)# system snmp users user snmpv3user config authentication-protocol md5 authentication-password

    (<string, min: 8 chars, max: 32 chars>): ***********

    appliance-1(config)# system snmp users user snmpv3user config privacy-protocol aes privacy-password

    (<string, min: 8 chars, max: 32 chars>): ***********


    < SNMPv1/v2c 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› SNMP Configuration - Communities)

    appliance-1(config)# system snmp communities community comm_v1 config security-model v1

    appliance-1(config)# system snmp communities community comm_v2 config security-model v2c


    < SNMPv1/v2c 확인 >

    appliance-1# show system snmp communities community


    < SNMPv1/v2c Trap 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› SNMP Configuration - Targets)

    appliance-1(config)# system snmp targets target snmpv1target config community comm_v1 ipv4 address port 162

    Value for 'security-model' [v1,v2c]: v1

    appliance-1(config)# system snmp targets target snmpv2target config community comm_v2 ipv4 address port 162

    Value for 'security-model' [v1,v2c]: v2c


    < SNMPv1/v2c Trap 확인 >

    appliance-1# show system snmp targets target

    appliance-1# show running-config system snmp


    < SNMPv3 Trap 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› SNMP Configuration - Targets)

    system snmp targets target snmpv3target config user snmpv3user ipv4 address port 162


    < SNMPv3 Trap 확인 >

    appliance-1# show system snmp targets target

    appliance-1# show running-config system snmp


    < TACACS+ 설정 >

    (USER MANAGEMENT ›› Authentication Settings)

    (USER MANAGEMENT ›› Server Groups)

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa authentication config authentication-method TACACS_ALL

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa server-groups server-group tacacs-server config type TACACS name tacacs-server

    appliance-1(config)# ssystem aaa server-groups server-group tacacs-server servers server tacacs config port 49 secret-key

    (<AES encrypted string>): ***********


    < TACACS+ 확인 >

    appliance-1# show system aaa server-groups

    appliance-1# show running-config


    < Radius 설정 >

    (USER MANAGEMENT ›› Authentication Settings)

    (USER MANAGEMENT ›› Server Groups)

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa authentication config authentication-method RADIUS_ALL

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa server-groups server-group radius-server config type RADIUS name radius-server

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa server-groups server-group radius-server servers server config address

    appliance-1(config)# system aaa server-groups server-group radius-server servers server radius config auth-port 1812 timeout 5 secret-key

    (<AES encrypted string>): ***********


    < Radius 확인 >

    appliance-1# show system aaa server-groups

    appliance-1# show running-config


    < Log 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› Log Settings - Remote Log Servers)

    appliance-1(config)# system logging remote-servers remote-server config proto udp remote-port 514


    < Log 확인 >

    appliance-1# show running-config


    < NTP 설정 > (SYSTEM SETTINGS ›› Time Settings)

    appliance-1(config)# system ntp config enabled enable-ntp-auth

    appliance-1(config)# system ntp servers server time.bora.net


    < NTP 확인 >

    TMOS: ntpq -pn


    appliance-1# show system ntp


    < 원격 관리 서비스 데몬 관리 >


    TMOS: stop sys service sshd

    TMOS: start sys service sshd


    [root@appliance-1 ~]# systemctl stop sshd.service

    [root@appliance-1 ~]# systemctl start sshd.service



    TMOS: stop sys service httpd

    TMOS: start sys service httpd


    docker ps |egrep 'IMAGE|http-server'

    [root@appliance-1 ~]# docker stop http-server

    [root@appliance-1 ~]# docker start http-server


    SNMPD (확인 필요 - daemon을 중지해도 정상적인 SNMP 응답을 받음)

    TMOS: stop sys service snmpd

    TMOS: start sys service snmpd


    docker ps |egrep 'IMAGE|snmp_service'

    [root@appliance-1 ~]# docker stop snmp-server

    [root@appliance-1 ~]# docker start snmp-server


    < OS 무결성 검사 >

    [root@appliance-1 iso]# pwd


    [root@appliance-1 iso]# sha512sum F5OS-A-1.6.0-5841.R2R4.iso

    44b526e27bda68a1a2131d063139af81fec39c082c83d88de49d45ac1b7dd339e6d78252318669b8b6409d512bf5a0a11d1a017b8bb119e0054266155b6eca50  F5OS-A-1.6.0-5841.R2R4.iso

    [root@appliance-1 iso]# cat F5OS-A-1.6.0-5841.R2R4.DEV.iso.sha512

    SHA512(F5OS-A-1.6.0-5841.R2R4.DEV.iso)= 44b526e27bda68a1a2131d063139af81fec39c082c83d88de49d45ac1b7dd339e6d78252318669b8b6409d512bf5a0a11d1a017b8bb119e0054266155b6eca50


    < RestAPI >

    TMOS (모니터 추가/삭제)

    1. GET

    curl -sku admin:te -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""


    2. POST

    curl -sku admin:te -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d "{ \"name\": \"m_test2\", \"defaultsFrom\": \"/Common/tcp\", \"interval\": 5, \"timeout\": 16 }"


    3. PATCH

    curl -sku admin:te -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH "" -d "{ \"interval\": 20, \"timeout\": 100 }"


    4. PUT

    curl -sku admin:te -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d "{ \"interval\": 10 }"


    5. DELETE

    curl -sku admin:te -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X DELETE



    F5OS (Allow-IPS 추가 삭제)

    1. GET

    curl -sku "admin":"it" -H "Content-Type: application/yang-data+json" -X GET ""


    2. POST (-X POST 구문을 넣으면 동작 안함)

    curl -sku "admin":"it" "" -H "Content-Type: application/yang-data+xml" -d "<allowed-ip> <name>snmp-allow-01</name> <config> <ipv4> <address></address> <prefix-length>24</prefix-length> <port>161</port> </ipv4> </config> </allowed-ip>"


    3. PATCH

    curl -sku "admin":"it" -X PATCH "" -H "Content-Type: application/yang-data+xml" -d "<allowed-ips> <allowed-ip> <name>snmp-allow-01</name> <config> <ipv4> <address></address> </ipv4> </config> </allowed-ip> </allowed-ips>"


    4. PUT

    curl -sku "admin":"it" -X PUT "" -H "Content-Type: application/yang-data+xml"  -d "<allowed-ips> <allowed-ip> <name>snmp-allow-01</name> <config> <ipv4> <address></address> <prefix-length>32</prefix-length>  <port>443</port> </ipv4> </config> </allowed-ip> </allowed-ips>"


    5. DELETE

    curl -sku "admin":"it" -X DELETE "" -H "Content-Type: application/yang-data+xml" -d "<allowed-ips> <allowed-ip> <name>snmp-allow-01</name> </allowed-ip> </allowed-ips>"


    < QKView 캡쳐 >

    TMOS: qkview


    appliance-1# system diagnostics qkview

    Possible completions:

      cancel    Cancel a qkview in progress

      capture   Start collecting diagnostics data

      delete    Delete a qkview file

      list      List qkview files

      status    Get the status of a qkview in progress

    appliance-1# system diagnostics qkview capture filename 20230802_r5k.qkview


    < QKView 상태 확인 >

    appliance-1# system diagnostics qkview status

    result  {"Busy":true,"Percent":11,"Status":"collecting","Message":"Collecting Data","Filename":"20230802_r5k.qkview"}


    < QKView 파일 확인 >

    appliance-1# system diagnostics qkview list

    result  {"Qkviews":[{"Filename":"20230802_r5k.qkview","Date":"2023-08-02T14:07:41.902056478+09:00","Size":116042968},{"Filename":"r5600.tar","Date":"2023-07-25T14:55:04.552722047+09:00","Size":111129421}]}


    < QKView 파일 위치 >

    [root@appliance-1 qkview]# pwd


    [root@appliance-1 qkview]# ls

    20230802_r5k.qkview  r5600.tar


    < TCPDump 캡쳐 >

    admin mode (r2k, r4k 미지원)

    -  WARNING:Interface name can only be "0.0", "Port.SubPort", or a lag name

    - admin mode tcpdump mgmt 미지원, trunk(lag)는 지원


    appliance-1# system diagnostics tcpdump

    Possible completions:

      pcap filter expression for BPF

      -i          interface to capture packets. If omitted, or "0.0", means all interfaces.

      -w          pcap file to write the captured packets

      bpf         pcap filter expression for BPF

      interface   interface to capture packets. If omitted, or "0.0", means all interfaces.

      outfile     pcap file to write the captured packets

    appliance-1# system diagnostics tcpdump -i mgmt host and port 22 -w 20230802_tcpdump_sample2.pcap


    root mode

    - any(모든 interface)를 제외한 개별 interface dump는 지원 안함

    - tcpdump -D 에서 나온 interface dump만 가능


    [root@appliance-1 ~]# tcpdump -nni any tcp -c 10 -w 20230803_root_dump.pcap


    파일 저장 경로 지정을 안 했을 경우 아래 경로에 저장

    [root@appliance-1 ~]# find / -name "20230803_root_dump.pcap"




    < TCPDump 파일 위치 확인 >

    [root@appliance-1 tcpdump]# pwd


    [root@appliance-1 tcpdump]# ls

    20230802_tcpdump_sample2.pcap  20230802_tcpdump_sample.pcap  example_1.pcap  example_capture.pcap  health-monitor-f5os-1.pcap  health-test.pcap


    < 전원 상태 점검, FAN 점검 >

    TMOS: show sys hardware


    appliance-1# show system health summary components component state




    appliance  -     unhealthy  critical

    fantray    -     ok         info

    lcd        -     ok         info

    m.2-slot1  -     ok         info

    psu-1      -     unhealthy  critical

    psu-2      -     ok         info



    appliance-1# show system health summary

    system health summary components component appliance

     state health unhealthy

     state severity critical

                                                        ATTRIBUTE             ATTRIBUTE  ATTRIBUTE  ATTRIBUTE

    ATTRIBUTE NAME                                      DESCRIPTION           HEALTH     SEVERITY   VALUE      UPDATED AT


    appliance/hardware/psu/psu1 - psu:status:output-ok  PSU Status Output OK  unhealthy  critical   0          2023-07-31T17:10:19+09:00

    appliance/hardware/psu/psu1 - psu:status:input-ok   PSU Status Input OK   ok         warning    0          2023-07-31T17:10:19+09:00


    system health summary components component fantray

     state health ok

     state severity info

    system health summary components component lcd

     state health ok

     state severity info

    system health summary components component m.2-slot1

     state health ok

     state severity info

    system health summary components component psu-1

     state health unhealthy

     state severity critical

                                                        ATTRIBUTE             ATTRIBUTE  ATTRIBUTE  ATTRIBUTE

    ATTRIBUTE NAME                                      DESCRIPTION           HEALTH     SEVERITY   VALUE      UPDATED AT


    appliance/hardware/psu/psu1 - psu:status:input-ok   PSU Status Input OK   ok         warning    0          2023-07-31T17:10:19+09:00

    appliance/hardware/psu/psu1 - psu:status:output-ok  PSU Status Output OK  unhealthy  critical   0          2023-07-31T17:10:19+09:00


    system health summary components component psu-2

     state health ok

     state severity info




    < NTP 확인 >

    TMOS: ntpq -np

    appliance-1# show system ntp

    system ntp state enabled

    system ntp state enable-ntp-auth false

                                                   ASSOCIATION                           ROOT   ROOT                POLL      KEY



    time.bora.net  123   4        SERVER       false   false   3        0      36          3       6         -    false



    < interface 확인 >

    TMOS: show net interface


    appliance-1# show interfaces interface state full

    interfaces interface 1.0

     state name               1.0

     state type               ethernetCsmacd

     state mtu                9600

     state enabled            true

     state oper-status        DOWN

     state counters in-octets 0

     state counters in-unicast-pkts 0

     state counters in-broadcast-pkts 0

     state counters in-multicast-pkts 0

     state counters in-discards 0

     state counters in-errors 0

     state counters in-fcs-errors 0

     state counters out-octets 0

     state counters out-unicast-pkts 0

     state counters out-broadcast-pkts 0

     state counters out-multicast-pkts 0

     state counters out-discards 0

     state counters out-errors 0

     state forward-error-correction auto

     state lacp_state         LACP_DEFAULTED



    < CPU 사용량 >

    TMOS: show sys performance / show sys cpu


    appliance-1# show components component cpu state

    components component platform

     cpu state cpu-utilization thread cpu

     cpu state cpu-utilization current 20

     cpu state cpu-utilization five-second-avg 16

     cpu state cpu-utilization one-minute-avg 16

     cpu state cpu-utilization five-minute-avg 17

    CPU               CORE                           THREAD



    0      12800(KB)  12    2100.000(MHz)  7         12      Intel Atom(R) P5342 processor


                             FIVE    ONE     FIVE

    THREAD                   SECOND  MINUTE  MINUTE



    0       cpu0    21       11      9       13

    1       cpu1    18       19      21      23

    2       cpu2    10       15      11      13

    3       cpu3    11       8       16      15

    4       cpu4    7        5       12      13

    5       cpu5    12       24      19      17

    6       cpu6    26       18      18      14

    7       cpu7    46       31      24      26

    8       cpu8    14       6       9       13

    9       cpu9    26       21      21      22

    10      cpu10   21       20      23      24

    11      cpu11   17       7       7       9


    < Memory 사용량 >

    TMOS: show sys performance / show sys memory


    appliance-1# show components component platform state

    state description    r4600

    state serial-no      f5-tacr-nsut

    state part-no        "203-0417-03 REV B"

    state empty          false

    state tpm-integrity-status Valid

    state memory available 7765426176

    state memory free 613437440

    state memory used-percent 88

    state memory platform-total 15034273792

    state memory platform-used 7437078528

    state temperature current 23.0

    state temperature average 23.0

    state temperature minimum 22.0

    state temperature maximum 24.0


    < Log 확인 >

    TMOS: /var/log/



    appliance-1# show system events



    [root@appliance-1 log]# pwd


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